
„She belongs to a new generation of thought leaders in business and management“ writes the German business magazine Capital about Anja Foerster. She is a sought-after speaker on the topics of leadership, innovation and change. For inquiries about Anja‘s speaking engagements, please click here

Speaking topics

Leadership 4.0 / Future Mindset / The Need for relentless Experimentation / Psychological Safety / The Future of Work / Dealing with Change / Empowerment / Rebel Mindset / Creating Organizations as inspiring as the People inside them

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Anja has delivered speeches and presentations to hundreds of organizations in more than 30 countries over the past two decades including …

You want to book Anja Foerster for your next event?

To contact Anja about speaking at your upcoming event email or call +49 251 981157 9075

Infectious energy and passion to ignite your event

There’s a reason the Financial Times called Anja „a match match that ignites breakthrough thinking“.

We were impressed by your energy and enthusiasm. It‘s definitely contagious!

You inspired over 1,000 experienced employees. What an outstanding performance.


Anja‘s award-winning books, co-authored with Peter Kreuz, have been translated in many languages and have been on the bestseller lists of the German news publications Der Spiegel, ManagerMagazin, and Handelsblatt.

„A blueprint for intelligent rule-breaking.“


A Crash Course in Lateral Business Thinking

In today’s surplus society we are faced with endless choices, but, while everything may be better, brighter, and more varied, it is also increasingly the same. Companies have defined so many best practices that they are now more or less identical. To grow, they need to break out of a vicious cycle of competitive benchmarking and imitation.

Business Book
of the Year Award

Financial Times Bestseller

Also available in German, English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese 
and many other languages

Different Thinking!

Creative Strategies for Developing the Innovative Business

Written in a fully accessible and practical style, Different Thinking offers business and management practitioners the opportunity to re-energize, transform, and significantly increase the value of their organizations. This book clearly demonstrates that the future belongs to those who dare to take risks and are willing to challenge seemingly irrefutable ‘laws’ of their industry, and who seize the opportunity when it presents itself.

International bestseller

Also available in German, English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese 
and many other languages

Rebels at Work

Rebels at Work is a community of Change Makers, co-founded by Anja Foerster and Peter Kreuz. It reaches nearly 100,000 people.

It‘s a platform and a laboratory for all the inspired thinkers and radical doers who believe we can — and must — break down outdated organizational structures and reshape collaboration and leadership.

Not because it's easy,
but because it's worth doing.

Anja Förster hält Vortrag auf Rebels at Work Event.

Anja Foerster

The German-born economist is an influential voice on the European speaking circuit, who inspires her audience with thought-provoking perspectives and insights on what it takes to succeed in today’s rapidly changing world.

The acclaimed corporate advisor is the author of ten books. Her bestseller Anything But Ordinary won the Business Book of the Year Award.

Before venturing out on her own 21 years ago, Anja served as a manager at Accenture where she headed consulting projects in the field of human performance and change management.
Her academic background includes a Masters Degree in Economics along with an MBA.


In a nonlinear world, only nonlinear ideas will create new wealth. Worshipful observation of corporate convention, fretting about what top management wants to hear, always coloring inside the lines that someone else created … stop this nonsense! This behavior is not only outdated; it also creates losers on both sides: you are robbing yourself and your organization of a future that is worth having!


People with a growth mindset. Films with quirky characters and black humor. Watching the sunset with a glass of Merlot. Travelling in India, a country that is stunning, magical, and awesomely confusing. People who are able to think unconventionally and independently and have the strength to turn their ideas into reality. Design that touches the heart. Pippi Longstocking and Aretha Franklin.


People whose first question is “What’s in it for me?” Naysayers. Not-invented-here proponents. Organizational cultures that resemble emotional dead zones. Bureaucracies that choke passion, imagination, and initiative. Corporate bozos who excel at deflecting blame, defending turf, hoarding resources, and trading favors. Non-stop talkers. People who try to take credit for other people’s ideas. Worrywarts who will rush to tell you why something won’t work.

Anstiftung zum Andersdenken

„Sapere aude! Habe Mut, dich deines eigenen Verstandes zu bedienen!“ ist der Wahlspruch der Aufklärung – und der ist so aktuell wie je.

Wie gelingt es, eine Kultur schaffen, in der die Bereitschaft zu Veränderung und neuem Denken ebenso selbstverständlich ist wie die Fähigkeit, neue Ideen zu entwickeln und umzusetzen? Dazu braucht es die Bereitschaft, verkrustete Strukturen aufzubrechen und den Willen, tradierte Regeln und scheinbar unabänderliche Überzeugungen zu hinterfragen und die eigene Arbeit neu zu denken. Es bedeutet den Abschied von der Festanstellung im Kopf.

Dieser Impulsvortrag ist für Menschen, die etwas bewegen wollen – in ihrer Welt, in ihrem Unternehmen und bei ihren Kunden. Ein Anti-Verkrustungs-Manifest und ein pragmatischer Leitfaden für einen zukunftsoffenen Mindset.